
Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability: Who invented it? More than 300 years ago, in 1713 to be precise, the German Hans Carl von Carlowitz formulated the following in the face of an upcoming wood shortage and exploitation of the forests: "Only as much wood may be felled as can grow back through regular reforestation." And thus he laid the foundation for German forestry and the principle of sustainable use of raw materials.

In his wildest dreams, Carlowitz certainly could not have imagined that 'sustainability' would one day be one of the megatrends of the future. The term may sometimes be used in an inflationary and misappropriated way. However, if this leads to increased social interest and a sharpened awareness of our actions, there is nothing to be done to counter this. In a nutshell: We humans should behave in such a way that all living creatures on earth can continue to live well in the future.

That sounds simple, but it is not really. What is Heimbach doing to live up to this claim? What have we already implemented and how can each and every one of us contribute? We provide answers to these questions in our new sustainability report, which has recently been made available on our homepage in German ( and English (

The report is based on the principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Ecovadis audit structure.
